The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Once again, you lie


Once again, you post a liberal source trying to cover up Harrisā€™s mismanagement of funds. Nice try.

Itā€™s as if certain people donā€™t understand the appropriations process for funding the federal government.


Friday palate cleanser: Tina Petersā€™ arrest video.

Itā€™s worth adding that the judgeā€™s annihilation of her during sentencing was, in part, in response to Petersā€™ own 40-minute statement in which she showed zero remorse, failed to accept any responsibility whatsoever, espoused batshit conspiracy theories, told the judge that even he knew she was innocent, claimed God wanted her not to go to jail and pointed out that she requires a special mattress.

Bye, Tina.

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Itā€™s as if we are giving money to illegal immigrants and now donā€™t have the money for our own people who desperately need it right now. Everyone say ā€œthank you Kamala.ā€

Dude, you are so full of shit: make up stuff (or repeat a Trump lie), get called on it, whine that itā€™s the liberal media (their facts seem to always intrude on your reality), and then repeat the lie. Day after day after day. The very definition of a hardcore cultist.

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Common sense here. FEMA spending millions of dollars on illegal immigrants that should be going to hurricane victims.

If you arenā€™t spending millions on illegal immigrants, that money could go to the American citizens who desperately need help right now.

Kamala is an idiot and the liberal media is trying to cover up her stupid decisions.

Close the border. If illegal immigrants want to come here, fine. Let them come in LEGALLY.

WFW You know I am right and you just canā€™t stand it.

Did FEMA spend millions on illegal immigrants? Yes. Are they short on cash? Yes. This is a Democrat problem.

All of the money going to Ukraine could also have been used to help Americans. Total mismanagement of funds by the Democrats.

Three in a row! Gerbie kicks off the weekend with an intensive spin class!

No, it canā€™t. By law, Congress is responsible for appropriating fund for all federal agencies and branches. The President doesnā€™t have the authority to reallocate that money after itā€™s been established by Congress, except under very certain/limited circumstances. Itā€™s a huge reason why this country has been in a continual cycle of government shutdowns for the last thirty plus years.

If you have a problem with aid to Ukraine or FEMAā€™s Shelter and Services Program, take it up with your Representative and/or Senator.

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Nice speech but I guess you forgot the part where the President submits the preliminary budget to Congress. The House and Senate then argue over the budget, making everything political, unable to agree on anything. Then final part where the President approves or vetoes the budget after Congress. The President approved nearly a billion dollars for illegal immigrant housing while cutting the budget for Americans. Your Democrat leaders look very foolish right now.

Oh man, Iā€™m sure that precious little rant sounded so great in your head, but I couldnā€™t stop laughing when I read it. My partner Kara even asked me what was so funny. Thanks for that.

It wasnā€™t a rant. You are the one who pulled a hissy fit and posted incorrect information while you were in a huff. I know you are upset, but if you are able to read, you might study up on how the budget is prepared and passed. Your Democrats blew it. It just might lose them the election too.