The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Trump didn’t say that thing about magnets, snd if he did it was nothing compared to what Biden said about paper clips.

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That’s funny. Remember when Trent Lott claimed facetiously to have invented the paper clip as a way of making light of Gore’s suggestion that he’d invented the internet?

Trent Lott!

I miss the olden days of idiot republicans.

I do too, except insofar as they are responsible for this mess.

All those years nursing a lunatic fringe they could rely on in November and then largely ignore, until one day the entire country is all but overwhelmed by them.

Remember when McCain scolded his own campaign rally when someone yelled out that Obama was a Muslim? Unimaginable today.

(Where was the GOP outcry against the assault on Paul Pelosi? Where’s the pushback now against the threats of violence?)

But all those guys who fed and swaddled the crazies are culpable now. The lesson I take is: don’t game it out, don’t try and get cute; just do the right thing.

And raise your expectations, for crying out loud.


Excellent points.
They’re the party now that enables, celebrates and promotes the pejoratives of our society-
anger, resentment, ignorance, disgrace, incivility, trash and authoritarianism to name a few.
Fuck 'em.


Numero Uno here is Moscow Mitch McConnell. He decided to bring the Tea Party - which is all “MAGA” is, really - into the tent and used them as fuel in his obstructionist quest to make Obama a one-term president. That single decision created the environment under which a demagogue like Trump could ooze into the mainstream from the fringes.


Oh for cryin’ out loud, you taste ONE baby…


Welcoming and emboldening the fuckwit Tea Party was a thinly veiled way to utilize, enable and bring into the open, the racist cousin-fuckers in our country who’ve always been under the surface and didn’t like having Barry O. as Prez because, (checks his notes), he was…'colored."


A lot of fuckwits on the GOP side of the House were elected in the Tea Party wave in 2010. All of them had to run out to the raggedy edge of reality in order to keep their seats thereafter. A threat of a Tea Party primary kept them in line like it was a fucking Death Star.

The need to grovel to the fringes/underwear skid-marks of our society tells us all we need to know about the Grand Ol’ Party.

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Kind of like Limey…he did a couple of gay porn videos back in college (he really needed the money) and people just won’t let it go.


…but I looked good.


The plotlines were solid, too.

From what I hear.


This is from Arizona. Looks like they are gearing up for a “fair election.” You do not have to be a US citizen to vote in the Presidential election.


This is absolute nonsense. Non-citizens are not allowed to vote in Presidential elections. Period. Some states and municipalities allow them to vote in state and local elections, but they are prohibited from voting in the Presidential election, and any attempt to spin it otherwise is just more MAGAT bullshit. Federal law and every state, including Arizona, specifically requires United States citizenship to vote for President.

Mississippi also specifically bars “idiots and insane persons” from voting. Lucky you don’t live in Mississippi.

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Do NOT let facts get in the way of a good poutrage.

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Well let’s see, this reads: “If you do not submit proof of citizenship and we cannot acquire your proof of citizenship from the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division or the statewide voter registration database, you will receive a “federal-only” ballot, which has only federal races and no state, country, or local races or initiatives/referendums.

Since you are so much smarter than I am, clearly, is a “federal-only” ballot going to have the Presidential Election on the ballot?

If yes, this clearly states that you do not have to submit proof of citizenship to vote on a “federal-only” ballot.

I knew I had done a great job raising my youngest daughter when, at 11 years old, she tells me this joke:

“How many dead babies does it take to fill up a bathtub?”

I say, “I dunno”. And, she replies with:

“34 and a half”. And turns and walks away. The more you dissect the joke, the better it gets.

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Well fucking done.

Know how you make a dead-baby float?

2 scoops of ice-cream and a dead baby.

I need to go to mass now.