If others replied, I could often extrapolate what he’d posted. Otherwise, I had no idea down which rabbit hole of distraction he was trying to take the conversation. I’d seen more than enough of his stuff not to care, though.
No one is stopping anyone from creating a new thread.
There’s not a lot of nuance to tease out.
Please don’t.
Challenge accepted.
Those of us who’ve had it on mute forever:
Yeah, I was thinking no one had posted on it in ages and then remembered I had muted it.
I used to watch CNN, but I’d started getting all my news off that thread.
I love how unhinged he gets as it progresses. “I didn’t rig shit!”
It seems that Waldo was being prescient when he realized that the old thread needed to die.
Considering what’s be going on in the Hillbilly Heartland lately, you have show amazing restraint.
Trump’s a fringe political candidate in a fringe political party that just happens to have its own enormous media ecosystem and an unlimited amount of funding. The party is his, and the nomination is his, at least for the foreseeable future, and that future includes several more and more serious indictments.
It would be comical if this wasn’t so maddeningly true.
The ridiculous, stupid and abhorrent has been coming so thick and fast lately, it would be impossible to keep up.
A perfect summary of this arrived last night:
I’m kind of impressed that he can say “nuclear”.
That’s how you know it’s a deep fake.
Oh man, I don’t want to turn this thread into the old thread, but Fox News is so completely, utterly, comprehensively and universally fucked it’s almost beyond comprehension.
Not only have they been ruled against in the Dominion suit, to the point that the jury’s only job is to find out whether Fox was acting with actual malice - which is defined as intentionally lying or having a reckless disregard for the truth - which is basically a lay-up at this point, but they have now been caught lying to the judge.
They lied about Rupert Murdoch’s role at Fox News, saying that he didn’t really have one and that he was not hands on due to his responsibilities to his broader business empire. But this week they have fessed up that Rupes is the CEO of Fox News and integrally involved in the channel’s operations. The judge is furious about this and considering sanctions.
Also, Fox News has been caught not fully complying with discovery, to the point where the judge has been moved to appoint a Special Master to investigate their performance of discovery in this suit. Dominion is still this week receiving significant pieces from Fox News, and the whistleblower has provided evidence that Fox has not.
The trial starts next week. Rupert is expected to be on the stand almost immediately. Damn I hope it’s on TV. The punitive damages could be astronomical.
Please, please, please take this thread down. You woke up Limey.
I’d love to think you’re right, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
And Jim’s probably right, as well.