Texans 2024

Does CBS have any shows that aren’t NCIS: Something?

I guess I should add that having a league average OL would be a welcome improvement.

I think they may still run 60 Minutes so if my calculations are correct that’s a full hour of alternate weekly programming.

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Is CSI still a thing?

I’m nobody’s idea of a football savant but if they can’t cover Nico then throw it to him. And for fuck’s sake do not call a halfback pass. Holy shit when will we get rid of this fucking idiot?


OK, so they have 1 player

Was the halftime talk about better execution of dick-stomping?

Amazing play followed by total disaster seems to be the Texans mantra

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Defense is coming up big.

This is such a good defense. Now, throw the ball to Nico you fucking inbred.

Stupid of Harbaugh not to go for FG.

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:notes: Any dick you can stomp I can stomp better
I can stomp any dick better than you :musical_note:

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You do t throw that pass to Daulton Fucking Schultz. He never even got off the fucking ground.

Schultz is awful. He can’t let that guy come down with the ball.

Yeah, wasn’t much effort to help CJ out

It is absolutely mind boggling how stupid this motherfucker is.

What a break.

2nd and 40! Only the Texans.

This is not going to help their third down yardage average.