Texans 2023

Metchie is a nice story, but he’s been a complete bust as a draft pick. He cant catch and can’t block.

Followed by a typically shitty first down call.

The offensive line’s ineptitude is glaring today.

Finally a good run

What the literal fuck kinda play call was that?

Slowik fucking kills another drive.

Holy fuck this guy is a moron. It just goes to show how unbelievably stupid this league is that he’s going to be a head coach soon.

On a similar note, I can’t wait to watch the supposed football genius fail in Atlanta.

Stroud is good, but he’s not good enough to overcome Slowik.

Fuck, if Fant even touches that guy, it was a big gain. Gotta try some shit.

How about trying shit that might work?

Between penalties and Slowik, this offense doesn’t stand a chance.

They should’ve pitched it around a couple more times, really buy them some time.

Gonna need a couple of pick sixes

What, like run plays or pass plays where CJ gets no time while they only rush 4? This offensive line, along with most receivers is below league avegare. Y’all pin it all on Slowik, but it’s a huge talent issue.

That may be the worst play call since the last worst play call.

That’d be better than three or four pitches. Have you ever seen an NFL game? This isn’t the fucking sandlot. Guys can run.

Can’t go down two scores.

Like I said, any half ass block and that play worked.

That play had zero chance of working.

Yeah, that was easy