That’s “LIX”, as in it licks donkey balls to have to watch these two teams.
Go Chiefs!
What the fuck are these new lower third graphics? Maybe the worst ever, and that includes the recent ESPN2-style shit they’ve used in CFB.
Nope, no KC favoritism at all
And the fix is in. As if we had a doubt.
I hate the Eagles, but damn, that call is awful
And we get our first weak penalty that benefits KC.
I like them. I can read them. Yes, I’m old.
My neighbor has waited until kickoff to break out his chainsaw and start cutting down a tree. Awesome.
Big bold lettering is great, but this is too minimalist. Putting white text on screen without a background behind it, or even a stroke or drop shadow, breaks a bunch of rules and eschews decades of progress in broadcast graphic design.
Hopefully he’ll tidy things up with a leaf blower.
I don’t like that call either.
It’s even so far.
Now they’ve made two bad calls.
Definitely a makeup call.
Right, one for each team.
I’m not a fan of trying to even things out by intentionally making more bad calls.
Not saying it was a good call, but that penalty was worse than the one on Philly, there was a bit of helmet-helmet action at least
They were both bad, IMO. I’m just saying I don’t like makeup calls. If you miss a call, move on. Call the rest correctly.
I don’t think anyone in this thread is saying that the refs intentionally threw the flag because they realized they messed up earlier.