When we built our home in 2012, we had a then top-of-the-line Control 4 system installed. Not all of the house lights are on it, but it has all of the AV, some shades, and some internet. To reset anything, we have to go through our Control 4 dealer.
It’s a complicated system. Here’s what we use and what we don’t use.
We have a lot of big windows, and shades on some of those windows are set to open and close to reduce power costs during peak daylight. I like that, and generally, with tweaking from time to time, the system’s worked well.
Not all of the lights are on the system, but the lights in the central areas are. I have used the system to dim them only once that I can remember. Otherwise we just turn them on and off at the wall switch.
Except for a separate stereo in my office and one television in a spare bedroom, all of the house tvs and audio are controlled through the central system. Video has a blu ray player, cable tv, and Apple TV to three monitors. We mostly source the audio off of stored music or through Apple Music on the computer system. We use the AV system a lot.
Our internet, land line, and burglar system also run through the system.
I had to take it all apart over the weekend so that we could replace some carpet in the closet where the system is stored. It took me most of three days to unhook it, hook it back up, and then call the repair guy to figure out how I’d screwed it up. I got pretty close. I only misplaced one cable. I think I had to remove something like 23 cables to 10 components and switches just to move the rack out of the closet. Most of the time was spent figuring what could stay hooked up, what had to be unhooked, and then tracing the cable to unhook.
Like I said, it works pretty well, but it may be a bit too complicated and fussy. I’d probably do it again.