Science & Engineering Shit

The advantage of the capture system is that the booster is already in place for its next launch, so they just have to do whatever turnaround is required, mount the payload and it’s ready to go again.

I wonder how much they have considered what the cost financially and in lost time there would be if the booster blows up from a botched capture, taking the launch/landing gantry with it.

It’ll be a small explosion since the returning booster will be mostly out of fuel. It’ll be fine, I’m sure.

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Planet 9 in Outer Space

This is pretty effing cool:

TL:DNR - The guyuale shrub is a natural rubber alternative that was first seriously studied during WWII when the US was cut off from nearly all of the world’s rubber supply by the Japanese Empire. Scientists from the University of Arizona and Bridgestone (tires) are working on cultivating the plant on a large scale in my home state. There’s a massive environmental upside if they can pull it off. The added benefit would be an increase in domestic manufacturing (tire retreading). And, guyuale tires have already been trialled on the Indy circuit successfully.

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That guy’s performances are incredible

Mass hysteria…dogs and cats, living together…

Earth’s magnetic North Pole is shifting toward Russia. What does that mean?

People today are all buried in their phones and don’t interact with those around them.

People 70 years ago:


2 books, a newspaper, a thingy, and another thingy… It’s in the 1940s. You are right, Limey.


Caption: FUCK I wish someone would hurry up and invent the cellphone.


Make America 1940s Again: Kids won’t have cellphones! Or vaccinations!

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Half the people in that photo will be dead in 5 years.

Also, they’re all teenagers.

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We don’t expect our ladies to keep concentrating and understand the preacher’s big bible words, so we let them knit during the sermon.


Exosuits are now real.

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My knees want that, pronto

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Festool has something similar for working overhead

Now, about that jetpack I was promised as a kid …


A quick update on generative AI. Here’s a quick video, spoken into existence with a low cost tool (Google Veo 2). No cameras, no editing, no actors. Just a prompt engineer saying what he wanted to video to be.

Linas Beliūnas on LinkedIn: RIP Hollywood? Every shot in this movie is not real - it was created with… | 313 comments?

And, like the author says, this is the worst it will ever be. All (sharply) better, faster, believable and more accessible to everyday people from this point forward.

So far today, American Airlines has shut down all flights, ALL FLIGHTS, until a technical glitch can be resolved.

Now their back online and ready to resume flights, if you dare.

Nobody hold United’s beer.