Red Sox at Astros, 8/24/23

I’m keeping it on because I’m working, and well, what the hell else am I gonna do?

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Now we only need a touchdown and field goal to tie.

If turning off your team playing like absolute dog shit makes you less of a fan, add me to the list too.

I turned it off after the hit and zero effort to get the ball back in to make it 5-0.

I just feel sorry for my husband who is behind the plate with a vendor for this horse crap of a game. Hopefully he is taking advantage of the new Carajillos at Maven on somebody else’s dime.

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To paraphrase a great father:

I’m not mad because you turned the game off.

It shows you’ve been paying attention.

I was worried I might break something I valued if I kept watching.

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Like your sanity? I can feel mine slipping

No worries there. That went long ago.


At the winery prepping for Harvest and I decide to read through the GZ while waiting for the county to come out and certify our scale.

My deepest condolences to those of you who watched what may or may have been a baseball game today.

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Oh look at that. THIS time, Bregman stepped on the bag for the easy final out. Geez, glad I left the room prior to that play, it was 11-1 when I left.

When is the last time the same player had the lowest batting average and highest era on the team? The NL days?

I am reminded of Ned Beatty’s role in ‘Deliverance

Harvest prep, or the alleged baseball game?

ETA - I didn’t today could get worse, but thanks to you, now I can’t unsee Ned Beatty crawling around half naked. Goddamnit.

17-1. Holyfuckingshit.

They were lucky to be that close.

Maldy gave up fewer HR than France.

It wasn’t as close as the score.


It was 50% of a slobaknocka’.

So, was J. P. tipping his breaking balls?
If so, did ANYONE on the Astros bench catch that before France left the mound down 9 runs?
France has been on a ROY run. How does he come back from this?

I’m sure they did. Something was up, and even this yahoo half watching the game while fixing drywall could tell. I’m certain the Astros did too. He’ll bounce back. Getting your ass kicked in happens to every pitcher sooner or later. It’s baseball. He’ll be fine.

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