Red Sox at Astros, 8/24/23

Diaz walks?

Dogs and cats, sleeping together.

Stop. The pitching coaches are not the ones throwing the pitches.

Javier has been broken since mid June, and Framber has sucked the last month or so.

Urquidy just returned after missing three months. France has been as good as you could ever hope for, before today. Hunter Brown has likely hit the rookie wall recently and has to get through it.

France is good right about now?

What do you suggest be done then? When your two TOR guys are pitching like shit, your next two guys coming into the season have been hurt all year, your 5 guy missed months, your two rookies have been your two most consistent guys. Whats your plan?

He had a 2.75 ERA prior to today. He’s done everything the Astros could have hoped for and more.

He’s been good for them this season.


True enough, but today he’s off and then some.

Oh fuck off with this. France has been great other than today.


People have bad days. We all do, in our respective professions.

Have some perspective.

Going to Brandon Bielak with 1 out in the second inning is not a move that many managers would make.

JP was either going to right the ship or shit the bed.

Now we’re changing the linens.

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We have batting and pitching coaches. If you expect a nobody fan to be better at the problem than the people hired to fix it, you hired the wrong people.

That pitching coach is the main reason that Verlander would only agree to go to the Astros. He’s one of the very best in the game.

Sweet Jesus, man. Just fucking stop.

You’re barking up the wrong forest, let alone tree.

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The perspective is that the Astros have trailed the Strangers all year, and every time they get close to a division lead, this kind of game happens.

You just made my day with this.

My week.

GTFO with this bullshit. Not a single person here thinks they would be better at fixing the pitching than our pitching coaches.


Just stop. Do you seriously think Josh Miller and Bill Murphy aren’t working with all the pitchers in between their appearances to work on mechanical issues and other things? Come on now.

You can prepare all you want, and, sometimes, you just don’t have it that day.

Which is the perspective of a fucking Yankees fan.

Be better than that.


I would tell them to throw strikes.

But only the type of strikes that the batter can’t hit.

Unless they hit it for an out.

Then that type is ok.

And throwing balls is ok if the batter swings at them but again can’t hit safely.

Pretty simple really.


Do you think the Astros woke up today and decided “Let’s get down 5-0 in the 2nd inning?” or they decided on Sunday, “Let’s fall behind 6-0 to Seattle.” Come on. They aren’t losing because a lack of effort. They aren’t executing as well as Boston, so far today.

Man, these guys are on every pitch. They are not fooled at all. Makes you wonder about what they’re picking up from France.