Rangers at Astros, 8/11/22

Way to be patience, Aledmys

End of three…3-0 Astros

Jeebus Yuli…pull your fucking head out of your ass down there

Framber needs extra pitchers fielding practice.

I think he thought Framber would be the one to hustle.

True, Framber was late getting there, but Yuli has to sprint towards the bag. He looked indecisive on both plays.

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Mid-4…3-0 Astros

End of four…still 3-0 Astros

Halfway…3-0 still

Yuli with another hit to lead off the 5th.

Tucker takes strike three that split the RH batter’s box. Brutal.

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Home plate has no idea what he’s doing right now

What in the bloated corpse of Eric Gregg was that?

Yeah – I finally got to a place I could watch and saw that call – Is that Bucknor or Hernandez?

It’s their incompentent spawn





That one might have even been a home run in Baltimore.

Let me guess, chuck…you called that one too