Rangers @ Astros, May 21, 2022

When you’re out of sight of land, and the waves are over your head, and you can’t stand up on the boat and have to crawl…yeah, fuck that shit.

We’re in the 8th…still 2-0

Neris in for the Astros

I did not expect to be so pleased with Neris when we signed him.

Seager with a leadoff double

Nice job, MM

I kinda liked the signing, but I had great reservations also.

We’ll see how pleased he is in a few minutes.

Garcia with an RBI single, 2-1 now

Well, suck. Time to nut up.

I like boats just fine, just not to live on.

When I lived in Miami I used to know this crazy guy named Chad who’d take a boat owned by a local restaurateur / fish monger and haul ass to the Bahamas and fish all night, come back and sell his catch to the boat owner. I’d go with him most weeks, and it was pretty crazy. You’d reel in fish as fast as you could get your bait back in the water.

Getting across the gulf stream in the spring could be pretty rough. We’d run out of Haulover and there’d be all kinds of idiots frolicking around in the shallow water of the bay and we’d be kitted out in heavy duty rain gear looking like Gorton of Gloucester. We’d get a lot of weird looks, but believe me, fifteen minutes later you were happy to have all that on.

Chad had been a drug runner but had reformed himself and had gotten clean, but last time I checked he was in prison behind some shady Costa Rica land deal scam.

Anyway, those trips were great. I could take home as much fish as I wanted so long as it wasn’t yellowtail or grouper, which was fine by me.

Neris balks, and tying run to 2B with nobody out.

The last trip I made on the shrimp boat we had just signed on a new header (shrimper for deck hand) who had never fished before but claimed experience on barges in New Jersey. The skipper had brought a book shelf from shore that he wanted installed in the wheel house. The new header, wanting to get in the skipper’s good graces, quickly volunteered for the task. Once we were 10 or 15 minutes from the dock we start getting a very gentle rocking from the bay. The new header puts down his tools and declared he would return to work “once it calmed down”. The skipper and I looked at each other and nearly busted a gut laughing. We were a Gulf boat. We went out 100 miles and wouldn’t see the shore for at least three weeks and none of it would be anywhere near as calm as that bay.

Garcia caught stealing 2-5

He was very, very safe.

ETA: Bad angle. The next one showed that right had blew past the bag.

Wow! That seems like an unnecessary risk. It’s not like it’s Heim behind the plate.

Rangers do not have a challenge, but challenge anyway…clearly out…yep, confirmed

Calhoun strikes out

You can “request an umpire review” instead, which… how the hell is that different?

Holy shit: you’re a full minute ahead of my stream.

ETA: But wait, he didn’t walk at all. My faith in universal constants is shaken.

Stupid play.

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