Race for the Lid 2025

106? I think it’s left

81 - Snuffy
82 - MikeS
83 - Sphinx
84 - T_J
85 - austro
86 - Geezerdonk
87 - BUWebguy
88 - Hudson
89 - Neil
90 - AFiBD
91 - Navin
92 - chuck
93 - Spleen (and das)
94 - Lefty
95 - Sid
96 - Doyce
97 - Ty
98 - Knox
99 - MM
100 - Duman
101 - idstrosfan
102 - DWARD
103 - Jimbo
104 - jnh
105 - DVauthrin
106 - Craig
107 - BillyD
108 - Bench

108 because I’m here.

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While it’s always been a great bit, that pick should probably be retired in honor of fredia.

I had considered that and would support the practice going forward. It was gratifying, though, to see Vauthrin in his own way carry on the noble tradition.

The last year I ran the lid, I let there be multiple picks on any number. The first pick would get the lid, and any subsequent correct picks would get something like a pencil. I thought it was a good exercise because it gave some indication of what people really thought of the team. There were three correct picks, and it was a pain in the ass to have to mail off the pencils.


I skipped 106 and went to 107 so I could tell myself I had a choice lol.

I don’t need a pencil but if I had been first to make a selection I’d of picked 90 wins. I think this team is going to be quite a bit better than last year (knock on wood). 2 wins doesn’t seem like much of an improvement, but I think it is if you look at it in the context that I think every team in the AL West is going to be improved in '25.

You know, since she’s the only one who won twice, it should be called the Fredia Race for the Lid


If I win I’ll send you a pencil.

If the Astros win 107 games I’ll buy us all a lap dance.


How does one save a post?


Hoping for more but guessing 81, or if taken, then 80.

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Certainly not what I would have chosen if I’d been online at the right time, so I might as well cover the possibility of an injury plagued terrible season.

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“I bid one dollar, Bob.”


I thought all bids below .500 were null and void on principle alone.


109 please!

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Picks close at first pitch, so if anyone wants to hop in at the last minute, it’s now or never.

81 - Snuffy
82 - MikeS
83 - Sphinx
84 - T_J
85 - austro
86 - Geezerdonk
87 - BUWebguy
88 - Hudson
89 - Neil
90 - AFiBD
91 - Navin
92 - chuck
93 - Spleen (and das)
94 - Lefty
95 - Sid
96 - Doyce
97 - Ty
98 - Knox
99 - MM
100 - Duman
101 - idstrosfan
102 - DWARD
103 - Jimbo
104 - jnh
105 - DVauthrin
106 - Craig
107 - BillyD
108 - Bench
109 - Tralfaz

Hard to imagine that knowing the outcome of the first game would give anybody an advantage, but as Nick Saban says, “It’s a rule.”

We’re not savages.