Music 2023

Moon Safari is one of my favorite albums of all time. Air never quite reached those heights after that (imo).

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Not even close. But they didn’t really have to.

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I spent yesterday cooking and continuing to catch up on all of the recorded Austin City Limits from last year that I hadn’t listened to. I was inexplicably fascinated with Jacob Collier, who is this weird amalgamation of Earth Wind and Fire, Elton John, and Laurie Anderson.

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Side two of Abbey Road.


I initially read that last one as Louie Anderson.

Honestly? Louie Anderson is not that insane a reference point. I was going to say maybe Laurie Anderson and Mrs Miller. Maybe throw Anohni in there just for fun.

I saw that episode having never heard of him and I left not sure of whether I liked him
or not.

I had never heard of him either. I think given my predilections I should have hated him. I didn’t.

You’re right in that he was so all over the place style-wise. I truly was confused.

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