Mihoba Fantasy Baseball League

A few things I want to make clear.

  1. Everyone is free to share their thoughts/suggestions on how they think the league could be improved. Only rule: keep things civil between each other.

  2. The league will not be blown up by any changes, nor made to look nothing like it has for the two plus decades it’s been running. We are looking at incremental changes that improve the league as a whole. For example, moving away from limited keepers to a dynasty format is not really the direction we are looking to go.

  3. After we have a good idea of the points raised, in a few weeks. we will take a league vote, and everyone has a voice as to whether any of them pass or not. This is the group’s league, not mine or any of the other co-commissioners.

Batters Stat Category Value

Runs (R) 1
Hits (H) 1
Runs Batted In (RBI) 1
Sacrifice Flys (SF) 1
Stolen Bases (SB) 2
Caught Stealing (CS) -2
Walks (BB) 1
Hit By Pitch (HBP) 1
Strikeouts (K) -1
Ground Into Double Play (GIDP) -1
Total Bases (TB) 1
Errors (E) -1

Pitchers Stat Category Value

Innings Pitched (IP) 3
Wins (W) 10
Losses (L) -5
Complete Games (CG) 5
Shutouts (SHO) 10
Saves (SV) 5
Hits (H) -1
Earned Runs (ER) -1
Walks (BB) -1
Hit Batters (HBP) -1
Strikeouts (K) 1
Holds (HLD) 2

Roster Positions: C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, LF, CF, RF, Util, 4xSP, 2xRP, 3xP, 7xBN, 4xIL

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Quick question, probably a long shot: does Yahoo make it possible to see “hypothetical” stats if we had used different categories or values for a given season? Once again in 2022 the balance between hitting categories and pitching categories was remarkable–hitting accounting for 49.57% of total points and pitching for 50.43%, by my math–and it’d be nice to test any proposed changes to see how they would affect the balance. I can always do it manually if I get up the energy, of course.

Also, here’s my very Q&D look at how much total value was accumulated in each category. This is just taking the absolute value of the total points in each stat, and dividing over the absolute value of total points scored by the league as a whole. Haven’t given much thought to whether this is the best way of looking at the data, but it’s additional context for what categories might be “overweighted” or “underweighted,” if any.

(Note: edited to fix the denominator)

Category Points % of Total
IP 60200 25.56%
TB 30635 13.01%
K (P) 20012 8.50%
H (H) 18405 7.82%
H (P) -17541 7.45%
K (H) -16602 7.05%
W 13070 5.55%
R 9960 4.23%
RBI 9595 4.07%
ER -7913 3.36%
BB (H) 7081 3.01%
BB (P) -6153 2.61%
L -5770 2.45%
SV 4345 1.85%
SB 2340 0.99%
GIDP -1500 0.64%
HLD 1192 0.51%
HBP (H) 957 0.41%
E -939 0.40%
HBP (P) -867 0.37%
CS -756 0.32%
SF 554 0.24%
CG 155 0.07%
SHO 130 0.06%

I wonder if it would behoove us to have a standard mechanism in place whereby proposals could be made. i.e., a proposal needs half + 1 votes to advance to the stage of consideration, and two-thirds of the league’s approval to actually become law; proposals would have to be in by such and such a date (a month before the trade deadline, for instance).

Just shooting from the hip here but if that process were streamlined it could bring significant clarity to these discussions.

And speaking of the trade deadline, can we have it be the same as MLB’s this year? I seem to recall last year it was quite a bit later.

Did I become a member of congress?

I like the league fine as it is. I’m not opposed to changes, though. And this here is my annual obligatory the snake draft sucks comment.

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We can hope!

Thanks Moriarty, this is awesome. So if I’m reading that correctly it means that, cumulatively, wins and losses account for 8% of the pitching staff’s score. Is that correct? Less impactful than k’s but more than hits allowed. The fourth most meaningful stat in the category is one that every year has less to do with whether a pitcher is good or not.

How about halving the value of wins (to make them equal to saves) and abolishing the loss?

In a vacuum I’m good with that.

Need to make sure the ratio of total hitting points to pitching points stays the same or at acceptable level to keep hitters vs pitchers the same value.

What are the keeper rules now?

Can someone actually explain to me why it is important that hitting and pitching comes out to the same (ish) value? Major league teams spend much more of their assets on hitting, after all.

ETA: It seems to me that it should be of paramount importance that the best pitching staffs are rewarded the most, and vice versa.

You get five and you have them forever.

I’m not saying to keep it the same as each other.

I’m saying keep the ratio the same as it was or at a ratio ageeed upon by the league.

I don’t want a scenario where an owner chooses to keep a pitcher ( or drafts him hoping to keep him) but then the rules are changed and he is suddenly worth the same as the 50th outfielder

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I would be all about undoing the snake draft if we were to increase the keeper limit and institute keeper terms. Make everything truer to life.

At what point can trading begin? Is it immediately when the league opens? Anyone on the roster or keepers only? Eye of the beholder and all.

Hmm, I do believe Zack Attack has spoken on this and that trading is allowed throughout the offseason, full rosters available.

ETA; But only for the purpose of tweaking keeper sets, naturally.

I agree that snake drafts do not make sense with keepers.

And the more keepers, the less it makes sense.

But the more keepers there are, the more important it is to have year limits

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Kinda sorta, since wins are positive and losses are negative their net impact is much lower…. but the gross impact is still large, I guess? I’m honestly not sure how to think about the numbers. But overall I don’t love how random it feels, especially for relievers.

As for balance between hitting and pitching, I don’t actually have an answer why it matters. But it seems like an intentional part of the league design and is probably worth preserving. The good news is I don’t think any of the changes being floated would impact it much.

I’m 100% for keeping the snake draft because I never learned how to calculate auction values and at this point I’m scared to try.

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I think the alternative to the snake draft is a straight, MLB-style draft, not an auction, FWIW.


FTR I love auctions.

They add strategy and you can always get the player you want if you are willing to pay.

In a draft there is always the likelihood that some of your targetted players are gone before you even get a turn.

That said, it doesn’t allow for any auto drafts so every owner must be at the draft which is simply not realistic.

Also, I’m not suggesting or wanting to change an established league that was gracious enough to let me in.