Mariners @ Astros, July 6, 2023

Late to this because yesterday was a hell of a day at the winery (and we aren’t even in Harvest!!). Got home late. Game was already in the 7th. Saw the score. Immediately poured myself some bourbon. Sadly, my meager contributions to the cause weren’t enough to turn the tide.

Glad you (finally) got your grapefruit juice and The Third Man. I have some of the former sitting in the fridge, which will undoubtedly be put to good use this evening.

After last night, there needs to be no more ‘Chet talk’.

I just understood the significance of HH’s Bea Arthur pic a few hours ago.


Chas is lucky he didn’t get his fucking ass kicked for that.

That was some serious bush league nonsense. If someone did that to me at first in a baseball/softball game, I’d be throwing hands real quicklike.


Made me think: do teams have Kangaroo Courts anymore? Last I remember hearing about one wrt the Stros was when Ausmus was the ‘Judge’

Chet and The Sound of Music were non starters. We had good luck with “chucklefucks”, but not everyone is a fan.

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Yeah, that’s how a guy gets needlessly hurt. I hope he was roundly smacked by his teammates for that.


Stros were 3-0 vs the Arlington Chucklefucks (I don’t know who did Game1, but kudos), 0-1 otherwise.

I was a pretty mild mannered player when I was in high school.

In our state tournament game a guy hit a high pop up between first and home, right on the baseline. I came in to make the play and he bumped me as he went by. I still made the catch, but I was ready to drop my glove and the gloves with him.

Freshman year in HS, the other team hit me (not intentional or anything) 3 times…on the 3rd one, which was right in the ribs, I kinda cussed and flung/skipped my bat back toward our dugout out of frustration before I took my base.

Coach jogged across from 3B box to 1B and said “I know that smarts, but if you ever do anything like that again you won’t play for me”. Message was received.

No more Chet chat.

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Okay, but first I need to mention former NBA player, Chet “The Jet” Walker and current NBA player Chet Holmgren.

Not to be lost in the BS by Chas is that Crawford made a great play.

Also not to be lost:

Servais is likely to have Chas plunked this weekend.

Well, he’s earned it.

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Holmgren is not and NBA player yet, since he’s yet to play an NBA game due to injury