Intel from a friend

A guy I coached at McCallum in 1975 has remained a very close friend. He has a friend who is a minority owner of the Astros, and they were sitting together in the owner’s box for Framber’s no-hitter, and he texted me last night about it and said “call me.”

I did call, and he told me he and his friend talked to Crane after the game. Crane said he offered JV $30M in the offseason, but JV said “I want to stay, but the Mets are offering 50. Will you go to 40?” Crane said no, and JV said bye-bye.

Crane then told them about the recent trade. He said they got JV back for $15M/year (I have read $17.5M) after the Mets ponied up for the 21/2 years and said “We gave up a couple of good prospects, but that deal was a no-brainer for us.”

I agree and cannot stop smiling. JV is back home, and I hope he says so.


I gotta be honest, the way things worked out appear to be far superior for the Astros. It’s not my $$ but knowing that the Astros having more of it now creates even more opportunities to keep the window open, I could not be more pleased with how things turned out. Good things happen to good people sometimes and it’s great fun to watch the Astros haters scratching their heads at the frequent and recurring good fortune that this team enjoys under Crane’s leadership.


Great story, & trade!

Iirc, Crane said to JV “if they’re offering you that you should take it”