Abbott is Johnny on the spot as usual.
Too good not to share. Sound on, listen to the end.
Walking outside at 6AM to an 80 degree humid blast makes me wish for incoming Tx cold.
Just brought my trash can in from the curb and now need a shower while at the same time feeling like I just got out of one.
The Cape Verde Cannon has commenced firing.
Good luck, y’all. Based on my family’s experience with Harvey, maybe get an inflatable raft for the house.
I got a dehumidifier over the weekend and I’m never leaving my house again.
I keep a bandana in the cooler, with ice and drinks. Wiping down your face and neck feels wonderful for about 74 seconds. Then the standing sweat hits again.
The heat index at my house in north Austin on Friday afternoon was 125. Pretty sure I’ve never seen that before. It has routinely been 110-115 since then.
Be glad your pipes aren’t bursting.
I have a several hours worth of outside work to do today. I understand how hydration works. I am prepared. But as it continues to heat up outside, I am inside at my kitchen drinking a smoothie trying to psych myself up mentally to go out and get started.
I keep telling myself, sweating is good, it cleans out the pores. People pay good money to go sit in saunas and sweat. I’m gonna get that benefit for free while actually getting something needed done. Yet still I remain inside.
I just got everything at the ranch barn/condo redone in pex. It was worth paying the professionals to do the replacement work, but now I know more than enough to be dangerous.
I will never fuck with pvc again.
I’ll still take sweating my mommy-daddy buttons off any time rather than freezing them. I hate the cold. Having flown and spent some time in some abject miserable cold (I’m looking at you, Canada and the midwest), I’ll take our hotter than the surface of the sun summers of Texas any time.
My dog, though, is miserable. She was beyond elated when we had the winter storm before Christmas that dropped things to single digits as well as the ice storm in Feb. here in Austin.
Poor lass.
Sweating gets the losing to the Reds out of your system.
They should keep the roof open against the Mets.
Sweat Sweat Sweat, drenched in sweat…roll down the road to Krause Springs and just jump on in
I thought that by waiting until later in the morning I would at least avoid the mosquitoes, trading that for the heat. I was wrong: I got both.
It’s 69°F with bright sun and low humidity at 3pm here in Vermont. On its way up to a scalding 73°F. Just sayin’…
I wasn’t going to say anything, but, it’s about 64 deg. here on the lower left coast; it will top out around 68 deg.
I escaped to Colorado Springs, if only for a few days.
Everybody stay hydrated and cool if you can.