How to?

How do you turn off stupid shit like “suggested topics”? And all of the other annoying “notifications”?

Suggested topics are on for everyone or off for everyone. If enough people find them annoying I think we can get rid of them, but as we get more activity here I think they could become useful.

If you’re talking about the notifications that pop up on your user icon in the top right… by default when you post in a thread you “track” that thread, meaning you get notifications of further activity in that thread. You can change this by clicking your user icon, click your name, click Preferences, click Notifications, and change the following:

  • Automatically track topics I enter: change to “Never”
  • When I post in a topic, set that topic to: set to “Normal”
  • Notify when liked: change to “Never”

That should cut down on the bulk of your notifications.

Just tried - and failed - to link to three specific highlights here.
Turned out the link to the individual highlights led to the menu for all highlights.
Is there a trick to this or was it a problem with mlb?
Thank you, Waldo.

That is an MLB issue, not an OWA issue. Clicking on a different video on that page doesn’t actually change the page URL, so it doesn’t appear to be possible to link to a specific video, at least from the GameDay Highlights page. If you go to the Astros video section, though, and click on a video, it gives you a direct URL you can copy/paste. Example:

If I “mute” a thread and change my mind later, how do you “unmute” it?

Go to the thread that’s muted, locate the bell icon on the right side of the screen under the scrollbar, for a muted thread the icon will be a bell with a line through it.

Click that, select the level you want for the thread (Normal is the standard).



Problem is, the thread I permanently nuked this morning (the “you know who thread”) has completely vanished. I may decide to nuke the “Republic” thread at some point, but also may want to get it back.

Right now it’s basically just dwad talking to himself.


Hence my desire to make it vanish.

I was not operating under any sort of confusion.

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Even if you search for it?

I can’t replicate that with muting a thread on my side.

May have to get a mod to look/explain.

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Hah, I hope that’s the dumbest question I ask anyone, anywhere this weekend

Does that mean you were able to find it via searching?

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Yes, that somehow never occurred to me



Actually after 3,856 posts, Limey has stopped posting lies daily on it. So there isn’t much action on it, which is a good thing in my opinion.

Read the room

We don’t need three fucking politics threads.