Houston v. St Louis

Still, Tuck is paid to take advantage of those situations, and he just shit the bed

Keep pitching, Dubin!

3-0 with the bases loaded in a 1-run game…he’d just walked two guys…you’re taking all the way. Their guy just made excellent pitches when he had to.

Their guy gets paid too.

Oh, I know, no way you’re swinging 3-0 there. The next 2 pitches being that good surprised me. Tucker too, I suppose.

If we’re gonna pull out of this tailspin, the players can’t fall back on ‘well the other team played well’.

This is where having a psychic on the team would help! :grin:

I’ll be sure to pass that on.

You DO know I am venting?

Let’s give one back.

See, THEIR flyballs clear the fence.

Get another out.

It’s the heat and humidity.

What, it gets cool and dry when WE bat?


This has been a long ass game.

Trust me, I understand. Jim has had to talk me off the ledge more than once. I’m simply paying it forward.

The Astros during their six-year run have always had a swagger and confidence that they would find a way to win, no matter the deficit. This year’s team doesn’t have that.

At the Stretch…7-5 Cardinals

This is the Jock Itch season