Electric Vehicles

For the big 50th anniversary party.

What size? I’ve looked at a few, so I’m curious.

I wanted something light enough to pull behind a KIA Sorento but big enough for a shitter and shower inside and an inside galley. So I got what is called a Little Guy Mini Max with the Rough Rider package by Xtreme Outdoors. Got it from Rogers RV in Burnet.


Is that the same place I’ve driven by on 281 and 29 about a million times?

Are you sure that’s not a condom?


You have to drive out well toward Buchanan Dam to get that action.


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I was serious about my first question

eta: Nevermind, I gotcha now.

I just Googled this. I might need therapy.


So this just popped up on my YT feed.

If you think it, Google has an ad for it.

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For a second I thought we were still talking about ebikes and thought that was a big ask for a bicycle.

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I was shocked to find out such things exist (maybe not with a shower an/or shitter).

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So I pulled the trigger on an e-bike. Now I am looking at the additional gear I’ll need, including a helmet. One thing I have noticed is that manufacturers of such seem to love touting their lifetime warranties, apparently oblivious to the irony.

This has nothing to do with helmets or ebikes, but I’ve owned several assets with a “lifetime” warranty, only to be told when it breaks “it’s the lifetime of the item, not your lifetime”. So if it goes tits up the next day, it concluded its “lifetime” and not under warranty, apparently.

That’s some sneaky, insurance-ish bullshit.

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Fucking insurance people.

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A lot of insurance is sneaky bullshit.

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Didn’t Ned Flanders say god doesn’t believe in insurance because it’s a form of gambling?


Ironically, insurance is protection against a lot of what God does. I mean, it doesn’t explicitly say it covers being smote by lightning, but if you are smote by lightning, it’s covered*.

  • Subject to 10,000 other words that may rescind coverage for smiting.
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