Electric Vehicles

Today I saw the first FedEx electric delivery van. I think it was the GM. I also saw my first Vinfast SUV. They are made in Vietnam and are well reviewed. It looked OK to me.

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The Vinfast cars are well-reviewed, but I believe they plan to move to a leasing model for the battery pack.

The benefits are a reduced purchase price for the vehicle, because the battery is half of the cost, and (in theory) unlimited replacements when performance degrades.

The downside is that you keep paying for the battery forever and ever and ever.

Nothing to see here…

This is definitely system manipulation and not getting rid of all the people who kept the site running.

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6,000 posts per day? Good grief, that’s 5 per minute for 24 hours.


What does that even mean? Only posts you click on? It’s easy as hell to hit 600 in a day just by scrolling through the main feed or replies.

Also, maybe people wouldn’t be scraping the shit out of your web site if you hadn’t kneecapped your API.

Interesting. I am not on twitter, but used to be able to see tweets that were linked here, even after Elon disabled the API so that all we see is the URL. Since yesterday, however, all that I see when I click on a twitter link in OWA is a message to retry. Oh well.

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I believe we’re all better off not being able to see into that cesspool.

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It’s ok. Elon is rectifying punching himself in the dick really hard by doing it again.

He really is very bad at all things IT. Quite bad indeed.

Apparently, he’s let some contracts with Google Cloud lapse. The ones that have Google scan for violence and abuse. So that’s not good.

People are now speculating that he hasn’t paid his Amazon web hosting fees, because the first thing AWS does is throttle the site.

Are you trying to tell me the guy skipping rent payments on the company HQ is behind on his bills?

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Tesla skipping payments = no big deal because suppliers are desperate for that sweet, sweet Tesla cash and expanding market share. Twitter skipping payments = turn that sh*t off cause Twitter is a drop in the revenue bucket for those suppliers in a dwindling market share.

The hashtag “Musk Bastard” is trending on Korean Twitter.

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Aside from the bills that Musk may or may not be paying, here’s an excellent summary of the malaise currently afflicting the platform.

Also, “enshittification” is great.

The “Downfall” parody was inevitable, and excellent.


So the Twitter replacement de jour appears to be Threads. I’ve seen a number of people who I follow tweet “Adios MFers” just today, as they exodus to the new platform.

Threads is part of Instagram. Luckily, nothing bad has ever happened on a Zuckerberg-created platform. Eh? Oh.


And here we go. Already people have discovered that, if you don’t like Threads and want to delete your account, you can’t. At least, you can’t without deleting your entire Instagram account.

So if you have an Insta profile and thought it would be harmless to check out Threads…think again.

Don’t fuck with the Zuck.

I’m trying it out for music promotion purposes so we’ll see how this goes.

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Hopefully your band never breaks up.