Kris got results back from her doctor in a couple of days. After she got her results I quit worrying about it.

She was really sick and it was hard to care for someone without getting exposed. I pretty much gave up.

My wife wasnā€™t nearly that sick, and it was still kind of difficult just ferrying food and clothing and what not back and forth. I canā€™t even imagine how a single parent who comes down sick could cope.

Why donā€™t they just have the maid or the nanny take care of the kids? Or maybe send the kids with the nanny to the house in the Hamptons (youā€™re sick, youā€™d need the maid after all, duh), how hard can that be? People just donā€™t think.

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Really. If it gets bad, just have your personal physician stay in the guest house; and, you know, these days so many people are putting in home ICUs. With just a little thought and planningā€¦


What Would Gwynith Paltrow Do?

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Iā€™m skeptical that American society has the collective intelligence to ever beat this thing without a vaccine: Covid parties, ingesting disinfectants, mask tantrums, itā€™s only the flu, Iā€™m the Sheriff of a large county and I wonā€™t enforce this law, letā€™s censure the Governor for recognizing reality, etc.

Hell, even with a vaccine, we will still find ways to lose to this virus.

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If we lose 5 or 10 million people, that will probably make most of the reality-deniers step back and reconsider. But every time I think weā€™re near the bottom of collective stupidity, Iā€™m surprised by the next step.

Iā€™m waiting to see if anybody has the balls to propose a Strategic PPE Reserve, or a Wage Protection Fund, or anything like that. There are lessons to be learned here. Weā€™ll see if anybody learns them.

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Iā€™ve been looking at the Fox News website lately, just to get a sense of what roughly 40% of the population is getting as their news. Today the website has four leads concerning the Coronavirus.

(1) Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of cover up
(2) Coronavirus cases linked to Beijing market climbs to 36
(3) Up to 8,000 Chinese nationals came into US after Trump banned travel

and then, way down at the bottom

(4) WHO says coronavirus airborne transmission is possible indoors.

I feel so sorry for the people of China. The virus is rampant there.

Meanwhile: Weā€™ve broken through the daily infections 70,000 mark for the first time today. Itā€™s all record-breaking winning from here on.

I have no idea who watches local TV news anymore, but I just follow a few stations on Twitter and they are 75% useful COVID info.

Do you get robed up all in black with a long-handled blade to post your updates? You are the TZ Angel of Death.

This is the COVID 19 thread, what were you were expecting? I actually look for good news on COVID 19 and post it on the rare occasion that I find it. If youā€™ve got good news on COVID 19 I really would love to see it.

You canā€™t fix stupid. Some people will never learn.

Thereā€™s a chance that cases in California are peaking. Weā€™ve had eight days since our peak and it looks like the LA and OC cases may be rolling over. Itā€™s only been a couple of weeks since mandatory masks, but many counties put in the mandate before the governor made it statewide. It will take another week to be sure of the trend, but hopefully CA can roll the curve over.


My COVID good news? I woke up this morning and am grateful for another day of life.

You seem to post gloom and doom and sickness and death with surprising relish and amazing detail. You must have been a journalist in a prior life or in this one. I read each one.

Polling suggests less than half of people would take a COVID vaccine if available

Any reasons stated in the poll? I know Anti-vaxxers are out there, but refusing to take a vaccine if it has been properly tested sounds crazy. I am old enough to remember the Salk polio vaccine and the huge relief it gave the country. I remember taking it at my elementary school. I was terrified by the images of children in iron lungs.

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