College Basketball 2023 - 2024

Well sorry if correcting you hurts your feelings

I have no idea what you’re talking about regarding feelings. And all apologies.

Who is worse that West Virginia? OSU?

Yes. UCF will be too. WVU had several starters out until recently. Of course I thought Tech was probably a bottom 1/4 team and they just won by 11 at UT.

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Led by a player who had a lawsuit filed against him the day before for sexual assault of a minor.


I do not understand the point you’re making.

And possibly the worst officiated game in the last 10 years.

Texas didn’t deserve to win, but holy fuck were the refs awful.

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Who a booster got drunk, with another player and 2 girls 16 & 17, in a hotel in the Bahamas.

Good lord I hadn’t even heard those details.

This is what I read in another forum from someone who follows Tech.

“It is confusing, but (allegedly) the booster mentioned is the father of the assault victim and also the father of a Tech player. So basically in the lawsuit, the victim is blaming her father for serving alcohol to her and Pops, and others.”

and also

“The lawsuit alleges a Texas Tech booster bought alcoholic drinks for Isaacs and a teammate. They were in a room with two girls, ages 17 and 16. The lawsuit says Isaacs and the 17-year-old went to another room, where she was sexually assaulted after she ‘attempted to fight him off.’”

And yet, why no criminal charges?

The events allegedly took place in the Bahamas, where the age of consent is 16, so legally there’s no issue of a minor. The player is about 2.5 years older than the young lady. Apparently the father was the one buying the drinks. The first reports said the young lady was too inebriated to give consent, later the “attempted to fight him off” narrative, which may very well be true, appeared. The first public action was the brother, a redshirt freshman, left the team. A few days later he went into the transfer portal, then came the report of the lawsuit for $1 million. The Title IX office has been involved and Coach McCasland has been informed that Isaacs is in good standing and can participate. While there is no police involvement at all, the Title IX office will continue their investigation. There are reports that this has more to do with “disrespect” than anything else, but that could be BS.

I’m going to let the process play out before I come to any conclusion. If any crime was committed, I hope it will be prosecuted.

As far as the game, Tech’s fifth victory in the last six games in Austin, McCasland proved to be the better coach and Tech was simply the better team. Although I would characterize the game as closer than the final eleven point margin, the Red Raiders outplayed the Longhorns. McCasland, known as a defense guy at NTSU, has formulated a dynamic offense for Tech and has them playing better than anyone expected.

The biggest and best highlight of the game was Disu getting a blocking foul called on him WHILE HE HAD THE FUCKING BALL.

A Tech guy ran in to him from behind while chasing the Longhorn he was supposed to be covering, and somehow Disu was responsible for it.

The Longhorns never get calls in Austin. It is known.

Yes, the Big XII has been entirely fair and equitable in officiating Texas this year.

/stares at 0 holding calls on OL blocking Sweat and Murphy

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Conspiracies abound.

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I’ve noticed a definite pattern over the decades. Every single Longhorn loss and a surprisingly high percentage of Longhorn wins are accompanied by extreme incompetence and/or corruption by the officiating crew. In every sport. This has been confirmed by every Longhorn fan I’ve ever known for over fifty years.

There really should be an investigation…

I’m presenting you with a theory supported by a fact. Feel free to demonstrate how that fact is not factual.

You really are the perfect encapsulation of Tech fandom.

Both an enormous inferiority complex and a complete and total lack of ability to enjoy winning. Good ol’ West Texas Aggie.

The literal first thing I said about the game last night was that Texas didn’t deserve to win. They missed a ton of open shots and were awful at the free throw line. Tech shot out of their fucking minds from 3 until the last 3 minutes of the game, and by then it didn’t matter.

If you thought that was a well officiated game, maybe it’s time to downgrade to watching 6 and under basketball down at the Y.

Seriously? I enjoyed the hell out of that win. Last year, you attacked me for not being critical enough, or critical in the right way, or something, of Tech’s O-Line in a game that came after Texas’ blowout win against OU. Talk about not being able to enjoy a win.

Hyperbole much? Sure, Texas didn’t deserve to win because they got outplayed and out coached. You are the epitome of the arrogant Longhorn fan. Texas can’t be beaten by anyone else, they can only beat themselves with the ever present help of the refs, who are certainly on the take.

You’ve presented no facts, other than calls you didn’t like. I know Longhorn fans can’t conceive of this, but fans of other teams get outraged by bad calls too. Really, it happens to all other teams.

Tech has won seven of the last ten games against Texas, including five of the last six in Austin. Y’all just got beat. Again.

You are the Epitome of Tech Fan. Even when you win, you behave like a loser who does not know how to win.

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There were zero holding calls against OL facing Swest and Murphy. That is a fact.