College Basketball 2023 - 2024

I’m not thrilled about Terry having the full-time job, and this kind of offensive ineptitude is one of the reasons why. He seems like a good guy, and his players seem to love him, but the actual coaching/teaching part of things doesn’t seem up to snuff.

I struggle with this, but am more in the boat that they simply lack talent.

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What do you want him to do when Weaver and Mitchell are on the court together? Mitchell isn’t a three-point shooter and that’s not Weaver’s game, yet.

Couple that with Hunter being an erratic shooter and Abmas and Disu forgetting how to shoot these last two games, and this is what you get.

What is entirely inexcusable are the lazy passes, especially on inbounds plays.

Getting a little tighter now.

How many sloppy passes to nowhere have we seen this year? How many Draymond Green-style fouls does Cunningham have? These are reflections on coaching. It’s too early to say whether he can recruit at the needed level, and the guys do play hard, so it’s too early to say it can’t work, but I see signs that concern me.

I don’t disagree with you about Terry. I’m not entirely sold on him, either. My point is Texas has spacing issues because of the roster right now. Couple that with Max Abmas shooting like crap in the tournament, and it’s a recipe for disaster.

Playing Brock is on Terry, but they have no ball handling besides Abmas and Hunter. I’m sure he’s not telling them to be lazy with the ball.

To Terry’s credit, they’ve gotten a lot better defensively as the season progressed. That has given me hope as I think they basically compete at their talent level.

The overriding problem with this team is Hunter has regressed horribly and Abmas can’t create. He’s got to be open to hit.

Couple that with poor decision making across the board, and it’s bed shit central.


I think Terry is a good coach and good recruiter. I also think Tennessee has a better team.


Well…let’s fuck 'em up regardless

Tennessee doing their best to help out.


I blame it on the defense.

Hunter can finish at the rim really well.

“We’re going to have to ask you… not to touch… certain parts of your body.”


That was clean.

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I’m not at all convinced Disu fouled there.

Maybe not so clean.

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Interesting strategy.

I think I like it.


I’m with the color guy. Get 2 and foul.