Breggy Bomb

I got my salsa.

Not gonna lie, I like it.

Just dipped a couple Santitas white corn tortilla chips in, fresh from UPS. I think the “not too hot” tag might be literal and accurate instead of suggestive and defensive (at least to my palate). Maybe a little more limey than I’m accustomed to, but then I am by and large accustomed (being so long removed from the southwest) to total shite, salsa-wise.

Was thinking three of the four jars would be gifts. Am tentatively now thinking maybe two. Have refrigerated the open one and will dig in properly tomorrow.


Based on your review, I just placed an order for a 4 pack. Thanks!

I wonder if it’ll sell at HEB?

Which is good, as he may be losing his other job right now to Toro!