Astros @ Yankees, 8/5/2023

This guy is just getting us warmed up for Angel.

HPU more lost than the production truck

Yeah I have no sound now

I didn’t think it was just me

Chas was out by a Stanton.

Shit, Chas running almost as slow as Stanton

I like the hit and run, but Kessinger is not the guy to have at the plate. Should have done that with Dubon

Broadcast has been a bit of a technical clusterfuck today

We now have “technical difficulties” and TK on a tin can with a string.

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I think I remember a pitcher last year consistently making it to the 5th or 6th inning with the offense putting up maybe a hit or two and often zero or one runs. The anti-Javier experience, if you will. Was that JV?

That one was not cheap.

JV’s run support was atrocious last year, iirc.

Sounds like I’m glad we couldn’t see that play.


Bregman with an error to extend the inning.

Anyone want to describe that play by Bregman?

Didn’t know that ATTSW would go bankrupt mid-game

Chopper to 3B, Bregman threw into the screen.

End of five…2-1 Yankees

Still not a strike you idiot

This ump is fucking clueless. But that was Jose’s fault.