Chas F8
Mid 4
A’s 3-2
Chas F8
Mid 4
A’s 3-2
I was really hoping Bielak was going to make me forget about Javier as a spot starter. I guess I already almost did.
Yeah that 3rd inning caused some general soreness.
Solomon now pitching
Chapman Ks for the 191st time this season.
Tony Gwynn struck out 434 times over 19 seasons.
ETA: that’s 629 Ks for Chapman since 2017 (556 games).
Kemp 4-3
Gomes singles to left
Andrus F9
End 4
Meyers took a FB in the back his first time up, this time falls quickly 0-2, can’t check and K’s
Maldonado 6-3
Back to the strikeout thing, the first time someone led the AL with more then 190 Ks was Mark Reynolds with 196 in 2011
2 years later it was Chris Carter leading the way with 212.
Altuve walks
Got to knock Montas out of the game.
Bregman F9 on a sinking liner
Mid 5
Mission not accomplished.
Harrison 6-3
Marte F7
He and Jake elect not to run into each other.
Olson 3-2, Ks swinging
End 5
3-2 A’s
Yuli 1-3 on a sharp 1 hopper
Alvarez 0 for lifetime vs Montas, doesn’t check/Ks
Montas mowing them down.