Astros at Orioles. 9/25/22

I think it has to be 10. As in, “around.”

Chuck’s got it.

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Dickson Baseball Dictionary:

According to The Dickson Baseball Dictionary, a team has “batted around” when each of the nine batters in the team’s lineup has made a plate appearance, and the first batter is coming up again during a single inning .

Wow, another gift.

Meh. Never heard of that garbage publication. From a 2015 Washington Post article, here are what several surveyed said:
• Mets third baseman David Wright: 10 • Mets outfielder John Mayberry Jr.: Nine • Rockies relief pitcher LaTroy Hawkins: 10 • Former manager Bobby Valentine: 10 • Reds infielder Josh Satin: Nine • Mets broadcaster Howie Rose: Nine • Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully: 10

If Scully said 10, it’s 10.


Just jerking you around.

The definition Jim posted is also saying 10.

Baltimore fans must love this team.

Happy to split this series.

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I can’t read. Go Astros.

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He wanted to jerk me around so what the fuck does it matter if what I posted agreed with him.

I am getting more than a little tired of being jerked around.

WFW. Lighten up.

I will add that in my world, all nine spots in the order have to complete their plate appearance. If, for example, the third out is caught stealing with the ninth guy at bat, that doesn’t count. And of all baseball terminology, that one doesn’t get me worked up. I get far more annoyed with “in the hole”.

In the hole is right up there with people singing ‘Cracker Jacks.’

This is the correct way to approach it.

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Oh I don’t know. I am going to save that shot of him hotdogging a wall banger into a single and savor the fact that he single-handedly gifted that game to the Astros. He can do that anytime.


I like Javier a lot. He does whatever the team asks and he’s looking more and more like a top (half) of the rotation guy.

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I totally agree re top of the rotation.