Astros @ Arlington Chucklefucks, July 3, 2023

Dubon damn near had that.

Perez is not fooling the Stros so far.

Popup Bregman

Good fucking Christ, what a pitiful swing.

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Way to piss off the BBGs

Goddammmit Bregman

All of the sudden Perez fools the Astros hitters for some reason…

  • Sigh *

Wasted opportunity

Fuck you, Bregman. Fucking brutal.

Even a fucking 3 hopper to SS would’ve at least driven in a run.

Pretty much anything but a popup.

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Javier with a quick, clean first

No score

The way I snorted when I read “Arlington Chucklefucks.” :rofl:


Interchangeable with mouth-breathers.

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Oooh…you didn’t have to call that ump


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Chas takes no chances he will be left on base!

Go fuck yourself, Rob Drake…

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Atta boy, Chazzy-fizz.
Ma, the meatloaf!

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