Kemp - F7 in foul territory. Mancini with a long run to get to that.
Andrus - doubles
Brown - FC. - hard grounder to Bregman who runs Andrus back to 2nd. Andrew falls and tries to draw interference, but ump not buying it. Tagged out by Pena. Brown at first.
Murphy - works a count full (lays off nice breaking ball for the third ball)…K’s looking at another breaking ball.
Altuve …looks at low inside strike…takes high inside ball…pulls back bunt on FB outside for ball 2…looks at FB that paints black on outside…just a little early on a middle-middle FB - foul…5-3.
Gurriel…looks at FB…pops up F7.
Alvarez…looks at low inside strike,…ball inside…foul…reaches for low outside slider and singles to right.
Bregman…called strike FB…fouls off inside FB…looks at three balls outside…turns on a FB for a HR to left.
Tucker…swings and misses a cutter…lays off inside FB…swings and misses outside FB…watches ball low…breaking ball outside and low…pops out F6.
Vogt…drops a curve in for a strike…bounces one in for ball 1…high outside for ball 2…fouls off curve …fouls off curve…ball outside…looks like he painted black on outside with a curve, but called a ball. Walk.
Machin…looks at curve for a strike…another strike looking…taps into a shifted 6 (playing behind 2nd) -5 (coming from SS gap) - 3 DP.
Mancini…(A’s announcers talking about how odd it is not to have played him last night…wondering why Astros would not slot him in the lineup every day…sigh)…singles to left.
Pena…looks at strike 1…fouls slow roller down 3rd base line…ball…foul…inside ball…swings and misses a changeup. K.
McCormick…ball inside and low…ball way low and inside…bounces into FC 6-4. Mancini out at second.
Maldonado…outside FB that is called a strike…bounces to 6-4 FC. McCormick out at second.