Angels @ Astros, April 19, 2022

That’s a cocksucking call.

Tucker gets jobbed at least once a game.

He got jobbed twice that at bat.

Diaz wasn’t gonna let that happen to him.

HPU is having a rough night.

He’s missed calls for both teams this inning.

Attaboy Chas

Way to go, Chas

I see a couple of hall of famers back there.

Chas with a 2 out knock.

Tucker showed admirable restraint on that screw job.

This has not been a crisp game.

Bagwell is going to join Ford on the radio broadcast this weekend.

Not sure which game(s).


Battle, Maldy

Surely Maldonado gets a change up here…

Then again…

If he does he’ll prob be way out in front of it

That’s the point
