Probably but you turn your back, get in position and tell the batter to step in the box. Fuck Tony.
Walks in a great at bat
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Nice AB, Chas
Keep Maldy in for D or PH Castro?
Let’s get more!
Double steal, now
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He also wanted Dusty to come out to give him a chance at more theatrics, but Dusty ignored the idiot.
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Thought the same.
Nah, not a strike
Maybe it was.
Please. No way to take him out. Win the game.
I’d keep defense on the field given the big lead. You’d hate for a mistake - or just a change of catcher - to lead to a rally.
No way
Strikes out swinging
Love the “booos”
Please. Or Please?
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Threw the ws, they own that
Not the worst result.
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They’re yelling Tuv!
I’m all in favor of leaving Maldonado in for defense. I would have done the same thing