ALDS Game 4, Astros @ White Sox

What the fuck is TLR complaining about?

Cut LaRussa some slack. I know when I’m gonna plunk a hitter I’m waiting for a 3-2 count.

Because it’s only OK for Tony’s pitchers to throw inside.

It’s just incredibly stupid.

You lean over the plate, you are gonna get hit some.

Right-because if you’re going to hit somebody, you want to wait for a full count.

Tony is just taking the opportunity to stir shit up and hope somebody does something afterwards.

What the fuck are we doing!? Play the damn game fuckers

That was a fastball.

Toss his ass and restart the game. Show some balls, ump.

Just leave and get a cold one.

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TRL will be in a tavern by 6pm

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Of course Hallion is going to let Tony complain forever.

This crew is an embarrassment.

I think LaRussa’s eyes are going to pop out.

LaRussa doesn’t want to be late for happy hour.


I think this would be hilarious if they just refused to throw him out.

Eastern Time.

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Sorry, I thought my screen showed 84 not 94.

Just fucking toss him already. This game is over 4 hours old

Hey Tom, you fucking scrub, you’re just holding up the game at this point.

Nobody came to watch two geriatric, blind idiots yell at each other.


Move this game along, umps.