If he doesn’t, I definitely make up for it.
That’s your pitch, Altuve
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And that was even meatier.
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Swing the fucking bat!
Altuve hasn’t seen a slider in the other box yet
At only strikes.
Kimbrel’s parents must have fed him a steady diet of Karate Kid.
Learn how to hit a breaking ball Cerrano
Back foot sliding again.
You gotta love that.
Anderson let that eat his ass up.
Altuve didn’t exactly bust it to first but he made up for it going to second.
He makes up for a lot of his fuckery
Don’t see that every day.
Kimbrel = Karate Kid
Altuve = Mr. Miyagi
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Busting it out of the box eh, AJ?
Grounds to Anderson, poor throw allows Jose to reach and take second base. E6
Fucking Altuve. Jogging.
Talk shit now Anderson
Same approach as last at bat, Uncle Mike. Up the middle/the other way