ALDS Game 4, Astros @ White Sox

He threw almost all hittable pitches to Maldy.

No chance Altuve gets a fastball to start with.

Full body skeleton suit is my favorite so far

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Hit by a pitch and the dumbass crowd cheers

“Yay, we put a runner on base!”

Fucking morons.


I hope he scores.


Yes, bring him home!

Fuck these classless fucking asslickers.

Cheering HPBs and injured players, I hope they all get fucking chlamydia in the assuredly gross bathrooms at whatever this dump of a ballpark is called.


Terrible fan reaction.

Did that really catch the corner?

Hand them a loss at Guaranteed Fate Field

Both the reaction, and the fans.

Strike one did. A lot of the plate.

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On the outer 3rd for sure. Grandal was set up in though and made it look awful live.

Ball 1 caught plate too

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Why is the strike zone box gone suddenly?

It’s not helping that FS1 is removing the strike zone box quickly.

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Fishy isn’t it?

What point is there if the ump doesn’t follow the strike zone?

And they’re holding the first base camera angle right until he lets the ball go.

Unsurprising that the broadcast is fucking shit, but also annoying.

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Flies out to RCF on a cement mixer