ALDS Game 2: White Sox at Astros

Yeah, that was a silly comparison. Showalter needs to stop talking every second of airtime.


Alvarez…quickly down 0-2…1-2…2-2…3-2…foul…foul pop as Moncada tries to run it down from the shift…near the LF wall and crashes…still down…he’s up and looks like he’ll survive…Alvarez gets another swing…and walks

Great at bat, Yordan.


Gurriel lines to 2B, Garcia let’s it drop to try for the double play, but only gets the 4-6 FC

Putting these 3 geriatrics in the booth is certainly a great way to appeal to younger fans.


Oh damn, Carlos, that was a pitch to mash

Carlos a billion miles in front of a center cut hanging change.

They guys, particularly Buck and Bob never shut up. At least “Kitty” Kaat takes a lop of naps.

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Correa…full count…foul…walks, Gurriel to 2B

I legit miss Pierzynski. This broadcast is fucking horrific.


Work those counts, guys. Need a big hit now.

Yes, tied!


Tucker with a rolled up newspaper single!


Tucker singles to LCF, Gurriel scores, Correa to 2B

How are you watching the game? I’m on Fubo and you’re almost a minute ahead of me

Woooohoooo Tucker!

Much fucking better ABs this inning

Yes! Keep is going.

Watching on Uverse here and seem to be in time with Hudson.

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