ALCS game 5. Houston vs Everyone

Hey Siri…bring my people home!

Don’t try and do too much, Siri. Hit it where it’s pitched

Grind, Siri

Nice play by the ball girl


Correa applauding and demonstrating the ballgirls sweeping stop. Ha.

Good take.

Fans doing the wave lol

Well, rat farts.

Get on and let’s get Castro an at bat

These Fox announcers. Insufferable. They sound downright depressed that the Sox are loosing.

I could not sync the radio feed with the TV broadcast and that, to me is even worse.

That was ball four, Siri

Maldy is even more due than Renfroe.

Lay off the high cheese, Maldy

Battle, Martin

Alright, Machete, be short and quick and find a hole

That’s what she said


This is gonna be it for Maldy.

Bring em home!

Ok, be smart, Jose

I would like this post but I can’t on account of giving out too many today

Have a good at bat, Jose.