ALCS game 4. Houston vs Everyone

Guess they put him there. Wasn’t sure at first.

Let’s get a single, Machete

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Do that again.

Come on, Martin, good at bat here. Swing at good pitches, not the fastball in your eyes.


Tell the announcers the GZ has already covered this topic.



Can’t lay-off the high fastball.

He had the pitch to crush, too.

Nice AB, got one to drill, oh well

He rarely catches up to that.

Strike one was in his territory but looked like he was taking all the way.

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He can’t hit that pitch. It was a strike, but he can’t hit that.

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Now for the love of God…a good inning from Greinke.

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Dodgers rallying

123 inning please

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But you know he’s gonna swing at it. It’s his kryptonite.

Fucking Bellinger just tied it with a bomb.

Dodgers tied it

Dodgers tie it. And that pretty much changes the series.

Fast ball in his eyes