ALCS GAME 1: Red Sox at Astros

A few innings late, but there’s your choo-choo train

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Jose Siri may not get a single at bat in the entire postseason, but he sure as hell is a fun presence in that dugout.


this is a (sometimes) wide strike zone

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All we get is three fucking runs? We don’t have pitching to win three run games.


We can only tie

Our cats rocketed off the couch as I jumped up.

Uncle Mike missed a hanger

Brantley late, late, late on a hanging slider

Mine is trained better. She doesn’t even flinch anymore.

Smoltz showing the zone where Altuve hits home runs followed by a pitch in that zone for a home run was pretty good tv.

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There it was again.


Looks at a breaking pitch on the outside corner for strike three, but we are all even after 6. 3-3.

Who’s got the 7th?

I’m betting Floribama.

Raley time!

Please tell us you are joking

Nah, we’ve got to go with the lefty. Come on, Raley!!!

You wish.

We all wish.

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Bold move, Cotton.

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