I am very glad that the sun has come out in Harris County…
Interesting that you seized on that passage. I hope you looked at (and thought about) the rest of it too.
Was the prosecution of Hunter Biden political? Was the Trump judge and jury bribed by the Deep State?
Thank god we’ve got old Christian white guys to tell us all the problems with everyone else.
I still have faith in the American experiment and hope for the future of our republic. But goddamn the last eight years have tested the limits of those beliefs for me.
Also, to my point above, this writer, while posturing to be above the fray, criticizes liberals for abusing the rule of law and never once mentions Jan 6th, the most consequential violation of that principle.
The whole lawfare argument is laughable. You hear it all the time among these idiots and it’s just ridiculous. No one is targeting that fuckwit because we hate him. He’s under legal pressure because he runs around breaking the fucking law in broad daylight all the time.
That moron Democrat from New Jersey’s fixing to go to prison. You know what I say? I say OUTSTANDING. Any other idiot breaks the law, the get their trial and then they fucking go to jail. This is not complicated stuff.

The whole lawfare argument is laughable. You hear it all the time among these idiots and it’s just ridiculous. No one is targeting that fuckwit because we hate him. He’s under legal pressure because he runs around breaking the fucking law in broad daylight all the time.
That moron Democrat from New Jersey’s fixing to go to prison. You know what I say? I say OUTSTANDING. Any other idiot breaks the law, the get their trial and then they fucking go to jail. This is not complicated stuff.
Well said. You can dislike a person and still respect him or her. But, Donald Trump has broken the law multiple times. If we had a properly functioning Supreme Court and Congress, he would have been barred from running in this election on the basis of the 14th Amendment because of his numerous acts of treason following his legitimate defeat in the 2020 Presidential Election.
If Joe Biden had done the things Trump did following the 2020 election, I’d be saying he should be prosecuted for his acts of treason and shouldn’t be allowed to run for political office in America ever again.
What channel, if any, will you all be watching tonight for election coverage? I’m thinking PBS for me.

No one is targeting that fuckwit because we hate him
We’re targeting him because he’s a crook.
AND we hate him.
Oh I didn’t say we didn’t hate him.
Of course I hate Ted Cruz, too, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to wait until he commits a crime to call for his arrest and imprisonment.

Oh I didn’t say we didn’t hate him.
Of course I hate Ted Cruz, too, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to wait until he commits a crime to call for his arrest and imprisonment.
What kind of world do we live in that impersonating a human isn’t a crime?
I do know if I can watch tonight. I am so emotionally invested in the outcome. I hate the guy so much, but I will accept whatever happens. Big conflict.
Still hoping for your prediction, Tex.
My prediction is that we won’t know for sure tonight. But the orange butt-plug will declare victory and chaos will ensue over the next few months even if it’s clear Kamala Harris has won. I’ve been dreading this day, I hope it’s not the beginning of another dark chapter in American history. I also desperately hope I’m wrong.
Turnout reportedly through the roof in the likes of PA and MI.
As regards Puerto Ricans and their descendants, there are about 500,000 in PA and over 1 million in Florida. There are also about 800,000 Polish-Americans in PA who may not be comfortable with Trump’s cosy relationship with Putin, too.
The hours-long lines for voting in Philadelphia I’ve seen are both reassuring and damning. How does this happen cycle after cycle that people have to take the entire day just to vote?
I will be stunned if Trump doesn’t declare “victory” by 11pm et tonight no matter what happens. Then there will be attempts to enjoin, either judicially or executively, the continued counting of actual votes. Our best case scenario is this ending at a hospitably named landscaping company.

I will be stunned if Trump doesn’t declare “victory” by 11pm et tonight no matter what happens. Then there will be attempts to enjoin, either judicially or executively, the continued counting of actual votes. Our best case scenario is this ending at a hospitably named landscaping company.
(Furiously Googling locations of “Lost In A Landslide Landscaping near Mar A Lago”)