Why do people still try to snow Katie Porter? It never ends well.
Pravata likes her too.
Apropos nothing, I was organizing my photo library the other day…
ARP passes the House, 1 Democrat and every Republican voting against.
That’s quite the pic of all stars.
So much depends on whether you view it as a retention rate or a recidivism rate.
Good old pravata. Always well prepared for a cold snap.
Who’s in the Biggio jersey?
Andy Zipp
Of course. I didn’t recognize him with several fewer inches of goatee.
I thought you were asking who’s in the big jersey, and I was going to post Gary Oldman screaming “EVERYONE!”
Man, I miss Pravata. I wonder if he still lurks.
The Dow closed at a record today; the first time ever closing above 32,000 points. I figured I’d post it here because, in a dereliction of duty, Biden has not been live-tweeting its climb.
To put it in perspective, the Dow closed at 9,093.24 the last time minimum wage was increased. In July 2009.
HH, pravata, Noe, AZ, Limey?
The Squad. Or The Squalid, depending on who you ask.
Never got to meet pravata. One of my favorite posters early on. He and HD kept the air electric.
He’s a good guy. We gave him huge amounts of shit for wearing that jacket. It was April, and like 85 degrees.
Very good guy. Surprisingly reserved in person, circumspect. Or maybe it’s just because you goons are jibberjabbering all the damn time and he can’t get a word in.
He is a librarian and Uber-intelligent. He watches and wonders.
The Squishy.