2024 Roster

Each post took about 15-20 min to read. Those were his short ones.

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They took me 15-20 minutes to read because because that’s how long it took me to figure out what the fuck he was talking about.

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I am frequently wordy.

I’ll work on that.


The reference to Noe was an inside joke for long-time regulars. You are nowhere as wordy as he.


He skipped the “clear and concise” section of the MLA Handbook

No kidding!

Hey, at least you guys aren’t telling me “read more post less” anymore, lol.


Reportedly Giants are looking to improve team defense, centerfield, and veteran backup/insurance shortstop.

This is a good time to trade Dubon for Yaz.

I will skip the (3 paragraphs of) math but Dubon has $29M in surplus value and Yaz has $21.9M

In addition arbitration estimates have Dubon likely underpaid and Yaz overpaid in 2024. Of course that will depend on how much they produce.

Maybe the Giants throw in a prospect.

If you are going to use a lot of words, use them on why each team would want to do the trade. I don’t see either team wanting to do that one in particular, especially the Giants.

DubĂłn is way too versatile to be traded for a 33 year old part time outfielder.


Yea but his grandfather was real good.

Meyers would probably have more appeal to the Giants.

Why Astros do the deal:

The Astros need run production against RH pitching which is approx. 70% of all PA. The current 3rd OF candidates Dubon (84 wRC+), Meyers (78 wRC+) and Julks (85 wRC+) were all terrible vs them. Pena being bad (82 wRC+) also hurts if they are hoping the rest of the lineup can compensate.

Thats why Brantley returning last year was so important.

Yaz hits RHP very well (126 w RC+) and would fit in well.

Dubon is a valuable player to have but was used so much more than expected last year, and produced, that his current value is at an all time high. Furthermore since he is not projected to be a starter and is limited offensively due to little power or likeliness to take walks, as he moves into arbitration his salary will overtake his value

Why the Giants do the deal:

Yaz will become expendable once they add a CF. He plays the corners as well but they have Conforto, Haniger, Austin Slater, Luis Matos, and Heliot Ramos for 2 renaining outfield spots so there is a roster crunch.

With all those players looking for playing time the Giants may want to shed some salary and now in his 3rd arbitration year its getting a bit high ( $7.4M estimate by Cots)

Also Yaz hits RHP well but is very bad vs LHP (62) so the value may not meet the salary.

Dubon fits in petfect for them as they are giving a prospect with no MLB experience the chance to win the starting SS job and don’t have a legitimate backup or insurance replacement on the roster.

They have also publicly announced a goal of improving team defense which Dubon contributes to and by all accounts they liked him when he played there before and only traded him due to a roster crunch.

He has also improved since he left there and is a better more valuable player.

Why Dubon doesn’t like the deal:



That’s what I was eluding to. Plus, why would the Astros want another OF while giving up a very versatile infielder?

Yes, exactly. We already have a glut.

I don’t think the Astros have a glut of anything at the MLB level. The lack of depth is part of the problem.

But I think that the current roster is much weaker in OF than inf.

If you call Abreu, Altuve, Bregman, Pena, McCormick, Meyers, and Tucker the 7 inf & OF starters (and Yordan at DH) then IMO the 4 next best players on this roster are all infielders- Dubon, Kessinger, Singleton, and Hensley.

And I don’t think Dubon has the bat to be an OF, but might be able to pass as a 2B or SS.

I love Dubon but it’s gonna be a while before I’m able to forget about his AB in game 6.

They very much need someone who could play 1b. Ideally you’d have a 1b/LF who could rotate at DH with Alvarez and Abreu.