2024 Roster

I do not like Abreu. He’s a loser. Literally.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Fuck off. Literally. Thank you for leaving.

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Let me clarify, I like Abreu the BP pitcher, it the 1st baseman Abreu that needs to go away.

Have the Astros won a game since he has returned?


Is there some debate as to Jose Abreu’s performance as being a legitimate ML starting 1st baseman this season?

No, but calling him a loser is an immature take and won’t win you many friends here.


I see how you would come to that opinion, but it’s not immature, it’s a fact. His impact on the team, unfortunately, has manifested itself into actual real losses. His poor performance in games has directly led to loses.

I was a big Abreu fan and hoped for his success even defending his mediocre performance last season to family and friends, but he needs to ride the bench.

Not to mention the subject has been around the block a few hundred times so far this season. Not exactly a fresh, immature take.

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I understand that. I was holding out that his return would be transformative for him and the team. Unfortunately that has not been the case.

“Loser” carries obvious connotations beyond contributions (positive or negative) on the field and that’s what I think the issue is.

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Let me be clear, I’m not calling him a loser personally, I don’t know the man. He seems to be well liked and a good teammate.

But professionally he’s a loser for this team; this season. He needs to go both for the Astros and himself.

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The Astros have scored in exactly 1 inning in 6 straight games, the longest streak since Cleveland in 2017 (also 6)

MLB record: 8 straight, 1918 Senators

Only teams with a streak of 7 in expansion era (1961):

1974 Orioles
1962-63 Angels

via twitter

A reader could be forgiven for thinking you were calling him a loser personally.

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I call bullshit. Anyone saying “he’s a loser” knows that the implication is personal.




Well, hell, might as well go for the record.


Win the whole fuckin’ thing.

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You are basing this crack assessment on his 6 AB’s since his “return”? What about those 6 AB’s is the cause of your concern? His one hit? Timing off? Getting under the ball? Slow or fast bat speed? Hole in his swing?


So Abreu’s poor performance has led to our late inning bullpen issues, Pressly’s 5.31 era, Brown’s 6.39 era, Framber’s inconsistency and mental lapses, Bergman’s .213 average and our manager insisting on hitting him 4 or 5 in the lineup and the team’s inability to hit with runners in scoring position?

Our poor record isn’t because of one person.