2024 Roster

Bozo said in a pm he is here to provide “deeper analysis” than is found here. Oh, boy.

Larry is here to improve OWA. Better pay attention to him.



What I meant by deeper is that many of my articles have multiple charts and stats that support the content. It is not practical nor would you want the full articles here. I am sorry if that implied you all were not deep in what you discussed. Hey if you all don’t want me here at all that is fine with me.

Chandler Rome’s recent article from the Athletic discussing what Houston can offer from a starting pitching “surplus,” including Bregman speculation. The latter doesn’t address who would replace him at 3b, and luxury tax considerations are in play unless one deal potentially solves everything.

I thought that was a very interesting article by Chandler.

This is why the newcomer’s mantra here is read more, post less. Get the feel of the place, see what the prevailing attitudes are and dive in when you feel you’re ready. “Hey, if ya’ll don’t want me here…” is one of the troll steps that you don’t want attached to you if you can help it.


Then a difference you’re missing is that this is a place for discussion. For example, if you have charts and graphs to back up your point, then discuss your points here, and say “if you want the details, they’re on that site”.

I say this as someone who wrote his own articles for a while. But I think the folks who run this place would tell you that I never tried to feed my links to anyone here.


Nobody said we don’t want you here. But, when you come to a new place, you need to figure out how it works and ways to fit in. This is a discussion forum. We have members that love to share trade ideas all the time. If you had written a post detailing that the Astros should look at the Phillies as a potential trade partner for Meyers, we would have willingly commented on it and discussed it. But, if all you do is constantly try to get clicks to your website in your posts here, that’s not going to go over well here nor on any other website. Websites try to keep people on their sites, not have them always leaving to find content elsewhere.

Also, we have a lot of incredibly knowledgeable baseball people on this board. Some played in college, some were well-respected high school coaches, some do a great job extensively covering the Astros’ minor league system and some have connections to people that hear things about what trades or moves the organization might make. Others, like me, played the sport for 10 years growing up and served as my high school’s varsity baseball student manager all four years because I wasn’t gifted enough athletically to play the game well at that level.

At one point, MLB.com reporter and former Astros’ beat reporter, Alyson Footer, regularly engaged with members of this forum and would answer their questions.

Whenever you are new to a place, respect is always earned, not immediately given. You have to earn others’ trust before you can rock the boat, so to speak.


As it should be. Everyone one here is on here because they want to be on here. If you enjoy sharing thoughts and opinions about the Astros and a fantastic variety of other topics, you should want to be on here too.


Was thinking about this very thing this morning.

I don’t think there’s any reason you couldn’t be a valued and respected member here. You clearly care about the team on the same level as lots of folks here. This board is just decades old, with a pretty small group of regulars, and (like anywhere else) it’s kind of developed its own vibes and its own etiquette over time. It’s a friendly place, but first contact with an insular tribe is always a fraught endeavor.


Can be anyway

This is about as accurate as it gets. I remember when I first joined about 9 years ago


Once you get past the concept that nobody but you thinks your farts smell better than everyone else’s, you’ll be fine.


Those introductory hazing/tough love rituals either make you or break you.

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Pure roses my friend. Don’t ask my wife, just trust me.

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Chanel No 2.


Just sitting there on a tee for you, sir.

“I’ve got this highly-curated fart collection with charts and graphs and things. Here’s the link!”



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God dammit that’s so good

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