2022 Dead Pool

Damn. Now Paul Sorvino died. We’re losing mob movie giants left and right.

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Two classically-trained actors gracing the small screen with their talent.

That performance by PS was elevated by Warner’s.

Routinely at the top of the list for best Star Trek episodes across all shows.


Madred was only in two episodes, but I’m having a hard time coming up with a better singular villain in TNG. (FWIW, I don’t really consider Q a villain in the traditional sense.) Part of that is the writing, part of that is Warner’s performance.

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Agreed. Put a lesser actor across the desk from Stewart, and he might not have been able to pull out that performance.

Paul Sorvino

Again? I guess Cabrera has infinite lives.

Missed amidst the ST praise

Tony Dow has passed. He was 77.

I guess the Dow is down today.


Wally lives!


Bob Rafelson

He directed some epic movies.

Yes he did. He also directed, The King of Marwin Gardens… I mean Marvin Gardens.

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He also did The Monkees show I believe. Oh, well.
I worked in a movie theatre the summer Five Easy Pieces was released. I was mesmerized by Nicholson’s performance.

Rafelson was co-creator of the Monkees.

When first seeing Five Easy Pieces as a rebellious 18 year old, I was swept away by Jack Nicholson’s performance as Bobby Dupea. I thought his character was the coolest guy. Jack really was the coolest guy.

It wasn’t until I watched the movie, years later, as more of a man of the world, that I realized what a selfish asshole Bobby was and he never got his toast.


Jean-Paul Sartre was sitting in a cafe when a waitress approached him: “Can I get you something to drink, Monsieur Sartre?” Sartre replied, “Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee with sugar, but no cream”. Nodding agreement, the waitress walked off to fill the order. A few minutes later, however, the waitress returned and said, “I’m sorry, Monsieur Sartre, we are all out of cream – how about coffee with no milk?”

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The positional consciousness of milk was the non-positional consciousness of cream.

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Apocryphal. That is actually a variation of an old Soviet joke. Man walks into a fish monger and asks (using a literal translation here for effect), “Do you not have any steak today, comrade?” The response: “I’m sorry, comrade, but you have come to the wrong place. Here we have no fish. Across the street there they have no steak.”


This place can get very nerdy.

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