Davis singles to right
Badly missed ball 1, badly misses ball 2.
Thigh high spinner goes boom.
Fucking trash.
What the fuck, Lance? You’re shocked that your shit pitches didn’t stay in the yard?
Cant. He’s got to go three more innings
This just in, Lance: The ball is carrying today, you’re going to have to actually, you know, make good pitches.
Fuck you, Lance.
Just seriously go fuck yourself.
Grossman doubles to right, Davis to 3rd
throw your hands up again, Lance. I dare you. I double dare you, motherfucker!
Lucky that stayed in the park.
He’s dogshit today.
He’s just fucking piping everything that isn’t obviously a ball.
Somebody has to start throwing.
Second and thrid, no one out. Fuck!
Just horrible after your offense battled back
Enormous fucking strike zone, and McCullers has to throw everything belt high right down the middle.
Don’t forget his favorite option, way out of the zone.
McCullers have wrecked his team for this postseason.
“They’re about to turn over the lineup for the third time” he says in the FOURTH GODDAMN INNING
Laureano 0-2, 1-2, fouls, fouls, ball barely low 2-2, fouls a FB off HPU’s mask, Ks looking at a well placed curve
Taylor/Paredes warming up
Even the strikeout pitch was a hanger
Should throw nothing but two seamers, his hook is meat