That’s a big ask.
Ok. Let’s get to work
“Too high”
Way to pimp that F7, meat.
Sit the fuck down Sosa.
Bottom 2.
Valdez pitching.
Castellanos - curve inside and low, fouls off inside/low curve, fouls off curve, fouls curve inches away from 3b bag, looks at FB strike at the bottom of the zone. K.
Bohm - lines FB to center for single.
Segura - FB strike, curve inside and low, fouls off FB, throw to first, fouls off high FB, fouls off inside curve, curves bounces, curve drops in for a strike. K.
Vierling - FB just a little high (in the eyes of this ump), FB just a little low (in the eyes of this ump), FB low, FB just a little high (in this ump’s opinion - not widely shared). Walk.
Sosa - fouls off FB, golfs a curveball to the right of the Crawford boxes for F7 to the warning track.
Mid 2. Phillies 0. Astros 0.
That’s why you need a gret big tall sumbitch out there. Keep Dubon’s skinny ass on the bench.
I know. More of a pipedream.
If Framber has to throw it through a fuckimg donut he’s got no chance. This clown behind the plate needs to get his shit together.
Ok hopefully Framber finds a better feel next inning
Let’s get Framber some runs, Astros!
Jump all over Wheeler this inning…
Hard to have a feel with Barksdale missing calls left and right.
That is true
He’s missed no less than 10 pitches already.
Let’s get some runs now
Hard to have a feel with Barksdale missing calls left and right.
and up and down…
At this rate, Wheeler gets through nine on 47 pitches