First cookie of the night fouled back.
They need to kill the ball against this damn bum.
I wonder what the…er…daily stretching exercises are they refer to.
Tucker Davidson and Dansby Swanson and Joc Pederson were frat brothers at Vandy, I’m sure of it
Good job, Brantley
Second cookie, fouled back.
Two 94 MPH fastballs just inside the center/center box, and two of our best hitters have done fuckall with them.
At least we didn’t have to see Bregman strike out.
Fuck the shift
The Braves sure like having someone right behind the second-base bag
I don’t know, but if you read the fine print, they talk about no sexual activity for four weeks after a treatment. And there are at least four treatments. (A friend told me that.)
I just realized that this young Tucker Davidson is secretly a great fucking pitcher that the Braves have been hiding down in the minors all season.
Yep, on the IL
That was hit so slowly that even at DP depth, that’s a double play.
Another shitty at bat from Correa with hittable pitches fouled back slapped at.
All part of their diabolical World Series plan.
Top 1
Davidson Pitching
Altuve – looks at slider strike1 0-1, inside slider 1-1, looks at FB strike 1-2, high FB 2-2, fouls off slider, pops high FB to shallow left F6.
Brantley – looks at breaking ball strike 1, slider low 1-1, fouls off FB 1-2, FB high and outside 2-2, bounces a breaking ball 3-2, FB low and outside. Walks.
Correa – could not check on inside slider 0-1, fouls FB back 0-2, grounds up the middle, double play 1-4-3 (pitcher tipped it, announcers say it was Albies, I thought Swanson)
Mid 1 Hou – 0 Atl - 0
A tip from a veteran gamezone pbper… Do it by the batter, not by the inning. Makes life way easier, and you’re a lot more involved!
E5. Awesome start.
Fucking seriously?
Go fuck yourself with a fucking rake, Bregman.
Jesus Fucking Christ.
There is ZERO fucking way that’s a hit. It hit his fucking glove.
That’s embarrassing as fuck.