What are you eating?

Why do you think the Reds are perennially shitty?


Pete Rose’s barber used a skyline chili bowl as a template.


I bet you’re right.

I’ll say again, I liked the version I had at Rhinegeist Brewery. Not even in the same universe as real chili, of course, but it was a tasty spaghetti sauce.


I was serving myself chili for lunch one day and decided to add some pasta since I was going to run later in the day and wanted the carbs. It tasted just fine but was clearly no longer chili.

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That’s Chili Mac with spaghetti noodles instead if macaroni noodles.

There is chili (red) and then there is the endless string of varieties that must carry a qualifier. Chili with beans, with noodles, veggie chili, white chili, pork chili, any meat other than beef chili, green chili, tofu chili. But there is only one true chili.

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Yep. And I am looked at like a pedantic lunatic whenever I try to make those distinctions to friends and family in Maryland and Vermont. Y’all are corrupting me with your strongly held notions about insignificant things…

Since when is chili insignificant?

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Exactly. Wars have started over less.


You misspelled my name. It’s “David”. I make the best chili.

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Green chili is green chile, by decree of the New Mexico legislature, and has nothing to do with chili.

I think you mean made of dead cats.

My friends out here in Napa (except the ex-pats from Texas) roll their eyes when I politely inform them about what constitutes chili, and also its history - i.e. the chili queens of San Antonio.

That said, Kara and I make gringo chili with beans, especially if the Astros are in the playoffs, and I’m not ashamed to say I love it.

Chili with beans is great.

It’s just not chili.


When I make up a pot of chili for guests I always have some beans available for anyone that wants to dump them in their bowl of chili. Also sliced jalapenos, grated cheese, and chopped raw onion.

This is exactly what I do. “Ruin your chili however you like but leave me out of it…”. I will say this though, if you like chili with beans, Goya black beans are the better alternative to red kidney beans.

I think the nomenclature is a big part of the problem with this dish.

Moved to California and married a Korean girl raised in LA who loves chili but argues that it comes with beans. If you’ve met a Korean girl you’ll know this is an argument I can’t win so I’ve met her in the middle with black beans and you’re absolutely right. As Wesley Snipes said, “Always bet on black.”